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CompTIA is a not- for-profit information technology (IT) trade association.

CompTIA's certification are designed by subject matter experts from across the industry. Information technology (IT) offers many career paths, leading to occupations in such fields as PC repair, network administration, telecommunications,Web development, graphic design, and desktop support. To become competent in any It field, however, you need certain basic computer skills.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

1. CompTIA 220-602

Which of the following IEEE standards applies to parallel data transmission?
A. IEEE 1394
B. IEEE 802.3
C. IEEE 802.11
D. IEEE 1284
Answer: D

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I'm due to start the CompTIA A+ Technician 220-602 course next week,just wondering if have any advice,tips or recommended reference books please.
    CompTIA 220-602 cert prep
